Tuesday, January 29, 2019

RA Interview

College students have lots of options to consider if they want to get more involved
on campus. There are varsity and intramural athletics, musical ensembles, Greek
life groups, religious organizations, service clubs, pre-professional groups, and
more to explore. A student can also choose to be a part of ResLife and apply to
become a Resident Assistant, or RA.

Last Sunday was the interview day for potential Resident Assistants for the
2019-2020 academic year. Dress for the event was professional attire and the
day lasted about three hours.

The interview day consisted of individual interviews, group interviews, and a
discussion with the three staff members from ResLife.

There were about sixty-four or sixty-five applicants for a total of about thirty-two
to thirty-four spots. The advantage went to the boys because their proportion of
applicants to spots open was lower than the girls.

This day was a big deal because the position was completely on the line. Applicants
submitted an online application, went to the interview day, and the decision will be
made from those two components. There is no second interview. Applicants have
a month-long wait ahead, and in all honesty I feel like the wait will be harder than
the actual application process.

This interview event is important outside of the Resident Assistant aspect. The day
was set up in a similar format that employers may use in their hiring process. Basically,
it was a full-on job interview in every aspect, from the dress code required
to the actual interview process to the importance of the position.

At the very least, I can say that I put myself out there and gained that extra experience
that will hopefully benefit me when I am applying for internships or jobs. Even if I do
not receive the position the whole process was certainly not a waste of time because
now I have that experience under my belt. At the very best, I will have earned the
position and gained the experience.

As an RA I would meet so many new people and be the liaison between Ohio Northern
University and its students. This is a job that I am excited to do and I hope I get the
chance to do it!

Monday, January 28, 2019


This week, Chapter 7 of Guy Kawaski’s book “The Art of Social Media” was assigned as
our reading. The chapter was entitled “How to Socialize Events” and gave a lot of helpful
tips. I will share my favorite one with you!

In Chapter 7, the usage of hashtags was discussed. Multiple social media platforms
use hashtags, from image-focused Instagram to text-based Twitter and of course
Facebook. The book described how to choose a hashtag, and their advice was to
keep it short and generic. It needs to be short so people can easily remember it
and actually use it. The hashtag should not be something too specific or time-expirable.

This advice on hashtags can be applied to something that is not necessarily a public
event attended by many. For example, I could apply these tips while covering an
ONU PRSSA firm trip on social media. I would want to use the hashtag #ONUPRSSA
as opposed to #ONUPRSSAFirmTripChicago.

Keeping to just the hashtag #ONUPRSSA will pull up all of the events and trips
that ONU PRSSA does (as long as the other posts included the hashtag). If someone
is interested in learning about what other activities ONU PRSSA engages in, all they
would have to do is search the one hashtag #ONUPRSSA. This creates ease for the
user so they can view everything with ONU PRSSA. Viewers do not and will not go
out of their way to dig for a very specific hashtag.

#ONUPRSSA is already a mouthful already, so why add to the mess by adding
extra words when creating a hashtag? I want to keep #ONUPRSSA together
because there are many chapters of PRSSA and Ohio Northern University can
be a varied source of content as well.

Let’s say I was creating a post.
This is how I would incorporate hashtags:


Instead of:


The focus should be on ONU first because our chapter is a representative and
extension of the university. PRSSA should be next because that is specifically
who we are in ONU. That is lengthy enough to say, so that would be one hashtag.

A second hashtag could be just a simple #ONU. When someone searches tags
that are #ONU, they will see a wide range of posts dealing with athletics,
admissions, the arts, and other campus organizations. When someone is looking
at what ONU is involved in, PRSSA will now be on their screen, which of course
gives the chapter more exposure.

Lastly, a third hashtag that could be used is #Chicago. It is more of a fun hashtag
and that is why it is last. It is also the least important in terms of brand exposure,
since there are just so many posts that tag Chicago.

One thing that I do not believe the book mentioned was the number of hashtags.
I would keep the number of hashtags used to be a handful at max, because too
many hashtags to look at is overwhelming for the reader.

Do you have any thoughts on the use of hashtags?

Sunday, January 27, 2019

PRSSA Meeting

Ohio Northern University’s PRSSA chapter holds a meeting every Thursday. PRSSA
stands for Public Relations Student Society of America and the group exists to help
prepare students for a future career in public relations.

Image result for prssa

I will admit, at first last week I was not very excited to go to PRSSA. I was busy all
day and it was just another check off of my list of to-dos.

This past week there was a guest speaker at the meeting, which is always the best
part of PRSSA, so my mood shifted once I arrived. I love to listen to professionals
speak about their experiences and jobs because it gives me some insight on my
future career. It gets me brainstorming about what kind of brands and industries
I would like to work at some day.

The guest speaker last week was Siera Bruggeman, Digital Media Manager at
AR Marketing in Findlay. She told us about her college career and how she changed
majors, career focus, and universities multiple times. Hearing a now-successful
professional tell her story of how she was once an unsure college student helped
me. I have heard over again that it is okay to not know where you are going. I cannot
help but to question if I am in the right major, if I am taking the right classes, if what I
am doing now is enough to prepare me for a real job and a career. I think every
college student relates to that uncertainty at some point or another.

Image result for ar marketing

Siera shared that she wanted to continue her passions in her adult life. Today she
loves her job and has several side hustles. I completely relate to wanting to continue
my passions in my adult life. In a few years after graduation, I may not pursue my
passions in the exact same way as I am now. My passions should not be lost, but
rather expanded upon and explored. I want to find a job in which its mission and
goals align with my morals and passions.

Siera’s story was truthful and that is why it hit home for me. She was unafraid to discuss
her failures and I admire Siera for sharing her story in an honest way. Siera, if this ever
finds you, thank you for making a positive impact on my mindset.

The moral of the story is, go to your PRSSA meetings. There is bound to be another
time when a meeting or class rolls around and you are not excited to attend. When
you are weighing your options, to go or not to go, think about the potential information
you may miss. Any information is good information because it will help shape your
viewpoint and attitude. It is almost always worthwhile to show up. This time I gained
reassurance and a renewed hope for my future career. What have you gained this week?

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Eggcelent! An egg wins the first few weeks of 2019.

I was trying to come up with a subject for this social media-related post and I kept coming
back to one of the newest viral posts.

If you are on Instagram at all, chances are you have heard of the newest viral sensation.
It’s almost this year’s equivalent of the color of the dress, although not quite so controversial.

World_Record_Egg has achieved the most likes on a photo posted to Instagram,
beating out Kylie Jenner’s photo of her baby. The egg has received over fifty million
likes and has over eight million followers, while Kylie Jenner has one hundred and
twenty four million followers and her most-liked photo has over eighteen million likes.
World_Record_Egg overachieved on its goal of beating Kylie Jenner’s picture.

I think partly why World_Record_Egg’s post went so viral was because there were
so many people who disliked the fact that Kylie Jenner had the most liked post on
Instagram. Instagram users found humor in the simplicity of a single egg beating
one of the world’s most famous celebrities. Once the egg caught on, it almost
becomes a social thing to go and like World_Record_Egg’s post so that you too
can be a part of breaking the record.

I looked up this viral trend on Google and came across a Forbes article about how
this post relates to Generation Z.

I consider myself a member of Gen Z. When I think millennials, I think of people who
are close to thirty years old and have to worry about adult things like purchasing/renting a
house and a career. That’s not me. I am nineteen, just started my college career, and do
not have to worry about those sort of things quite yet. For the next few years,
college will be full of Gen Z-ers.

Companies and brands attempting to market towards Generation Z, the answer does
not lie in inanimate objects. The author is on point when she says humor is the way to
go. It cannot be a forced humor and must be genuine and at least partly original.

Be sure to check out the article if you have not already.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Hello, nice to meet you!

My name is Jordan Clagg and I am a public relations major from Findlay, Ohio!

This is my first year at Ohio Northern University and so far I am loving my choice of college.
The class that I am writing this blog for, Social Media Principles, is part of the core courses
I must take to complete my public relations major. This is also my first class taught by Aggie,
so wish me luck because I have a few more of her classes to take :)

At Ohio Northern University, I have the opportunity to pursue a Bachelor of Arts
and continue with my passion for participating in the performing arts. I love listening to
and making music. I played the piccolo in the Ohio Northern University Marching Band
this past fall. Now that football season is over, I will be performing in the Symphonic
and Pep bands for the current semester.

Here is a picture of my amazing piccolo section! This was taken right before we marched
in a parade for Ada's annual Harvest and Herb Festival.

I also love to dance and decided on pursing a dance minor! My dance minor includes
courses in ballet, modern, choreography, dance and culture, and other dance technique
electives such as tap or jazz. So far, I completed Tap 1 during the fall and this spring semester
I am taking Modern 1.

In December, I auditioned for the Choreographer’s Showcase and fortunately was cast in two dances.
One song is called "Gathering of Spirits" and the dance is choreographed by Brenda Hoyt-Brackman.
It is a farewell/celebration in honor of Laurie Bell, who has been a faculty member of the ONU
Dance Company for many years and is now retiring. The other dance I will be performing in
is an Indian-inspired piece taught by guest choreographer Mansee Singhi. Rehearsals for the dances
have been underway for almost a week now and I am excited for the performance to arrive!
The Choreographer’s Showcase is on Saturday, February 2 at 7:00 pm and Sunday, February 3
at 2:00 pm. If you are interested, tickets can be purchased at the Freed Center box office or online.

I am eager to pursue my second, newly developed minor, which is leadership studies. One of the
core classes to accomplish the minor is Introduction to Leadership Studies. There are mostly
upperclassmen in Intro; in fact, I am the only first-year student. This course is being offered for the
first time this semester and is taught by Kathie Fleck, head of the leadership studies minor and
public relations professor. Within the week one of class, I have learned that there is a leadership
shortage in today’s companies and brands. My goal before the end of Intro is to gain more
knowledge on how to refine my leadership skills so that I can help fill that gap in the future.

Stay tuned to hear more about my adventures at ONU and other interesting PR/social media topics.
Thank you for checking out my first post!

Chapter 6 Reading

Chapter 6 in our class book Social Media for Strategic Communication is called Strategic Planning for Social Media . We have discussed in c...