This week we started reading a new textbook called “Social Media for Strategic Communication”
by Karen Freberg. Our assigned reading was Chapter 1: Introduction to Social Media-An Art and Science.
One part of the textbook says “social media has matured and become a staple in our global
society”. I believe this to be true because so many people worldwide are connected to social
media. Brands need to have social media accounts so that they can interact with their target publics.
When brands have social media accounts they are expected to respond to dialogue and interact
with social media users who tag or talk about them. This is an instantaneous form of communication
and that is something that brands are still adapting to. Brands want to aim for positive interaction
with consumers in any media form but with social media there are so many factors to consider.
What platform do you use, what video or image do you include, what time do you post, what words
or language do you use in your post, who are you trying to connect with? Social media is a much
more personalized way of communicating a brand’s story to an audience.
One of the reasons why people love social media so much is because of how visual it can be.
Images and videos are used by everyone, from the average user, popular influencer, or company
to transport viewers into the eyes of the camera. Traditionally brands have communicated their
story through radio or television advertisements. Depending on what demographic a brand wants
to reach, it may not be wise to heavily invest in producing a television commercial. In some
demographics television ratings are declining because people are consuming media through
different avenues. A television ad is only good for a 30 or 60 second spot and it is easy to miss
it. Especially if a brand is trying to target Gen Z, they probably want to put more thought and
effort into utilizing social media to tell their story.
If a brand uses social media, they have the potential to be present on everyone’s feed. A brand’s
social media account can beam their message into the personal screens of social media users
no matter what the time of day. Brands may choose to include short videos in their accounts but
that is not the only way they can choose to communicate their message. They can include witty
captions, visually appealing photos, create posts that generate interaction and post links that
relate to the brand.
When I search for a brand I am not familiar with online I look for their website. If their website
is either nonexistent or not user-friendly, I will migrate over to social media platforms to see if
they have crucial information posted. I am much more likely to form an opinion and take my
business to a brand that has an online presence over one that does not. Social media is an
easy opportunity for brands to educate the public about their story and what they do. It does
not cost money to post on social media platforms and it is an effective way of getting exposure,
so why would brands not invest in social media?
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